Criminal Law
Our Solicitors can offer expert advice and representation for all categories of criminal offences

Our Solicitors can offer expert advice and representation for all categories of criminal offences coupled with the support needed by clients at the various stages of criminal proceedings including advice and assistance given to clients at interview in the police stations.
Although the majority of criminal cases in Northern Ireland are heard before a District Judge there are circumstances where the gravity of the offence means that the case will be tried in the Crown Court either with or without a jury.
Any person charged under Terrorist’slegislation will have their case dealt with by a Judge sitting alone without ajury and known as a Diplock trial.
Prosecutions for all criminal offences in the Magistrates Court with the vast majority of minor criminal cases being dealt with before a District Judge (formerly a Magistrate).
Our Solicitors are very highly experienced in representing clients in a broad spectrum of criminal matters as follows:
- Road traffic offences to include,
- driving without due care and attention;
- dangerous driving;
- drink driving offences;
- driving offences causing grievously bodily injury.
- Common Assault, Assault Occasioning Actually Bodily Harm (AOABH), Assault Causing Grievous Bodily Harm (GBH).
- Disorderly behaviour
- Theft/Fraud
- Sexual offences
We will provide the highest possible standard of care and service in the preparation, presentation and representation of your case for whatever offence you may face.
O’Hare Solicitors will assure you of a dedicated, expert and professional approach to what is a trying and uncertain time. In addition to offering representation at trial we will advise clients on what they may expect at each stage of the criminal process and the consequences of such. Our service extends to advice and representation when considering appeals against sentence or conviction.